Erredakzio Buruak /
Ugo Mayor (Leioa)
Miren Berasategi Zeberio (Donostia)
Maria Napal (Iruñea)
Urtzi Etxeberria (Baiona)
Miren Estensoro (Donostia)
Xabier Insausti (Iruñea)
Arantza del Pozo (Donostia)
Cristina Peña (Donostia)
Erredakziokide asoziatuak/
Associate Editors:
Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain (Boise)
Xabier Irujo (Reno)
Euskara Akademikorako Batzordea /
Technical Basque Workgroup:
Igone Zabala (Leioa)
Elixabete Perez Gaztelu (Donostia)
Arantza del Pozo (Donostia)
Urtzi Etxeberria (Baiona)
Diseinu Grafikoa eta Komunikazioa / Graphic Design and Communication:
Estitxu Garai (Leioa)
Nagore Valle (Bilbo)
Miren Berasategi Zeberio (Donostia)
Goio Arana (Aretxabaleta)
Inpaktu Sozialerako Irizpideak / Assessment of Social Impact:
Miren Estensoro (Donostia)
Maria Napal (Iruñea)
Ugo Mayor (Leioa)
Cristina Peña (Donostia)
Gorka Espiau (Bilbo)
Erredakzio Batzordea /
Editorial Board:
Adrian Aginagalde (Donostia)
Eneko Agirre (Donostia)
Itziar Alonso-Arbiol (Donostia)
Iñaki Antigüedad (Leioa)
Arantza Aranburu (Leioa)
Ander Arias (Zamudio)
Larraitz Ariznabarreta (Reno)
Aurelia Arkotxa (Baiona)
Estibaliz Armendáriz (Iruñea)
Felix Arrieta (Donostia)
Iñaki Barcena (Leioa)
Miren Berasategi Zeberio (Donostia)
Antonio Casado (Donostia)
Aitor Cevidanes (Zamudio)
Arturo Elosegi (Leioa)
Ziortza G. Beldarrain (Boise)
Lander Galdos (Arrasate)
Estitxu Garai (Leioa)
Josune Hernantes (Donostia)
Rakel Herrero (Iruñea)
David Hoyos (Bilbo)
Mari Luz Esteban (Donostia)
Miren Estensoro (Donostia)
Urtzi Etxeberria (Baiona)
Ainara Imaz (Eskoriatza)
Xabier Insausti (Iruñea)
Jon Irazusta (Leioa)
Xabier Irujo (Reno)
Xabier Itçaina (Baiona)
Idoia Labayen (Iruñea)
Mikel Larreina (Bilbo)
Ugo Mayor (Leioa)
Amaia Méndez (Bilbo)
Maria Napal (Iruñea)
Cristina Peña (Donostia)
Arantza del Pozo (Donostia)
Jon Zarate (Gasteiz)
Olatz Zuloaga (Leioa)
Aitor Zurimendi (Leioa)
Dibulgazio laburpenak/
Lay-public text preparation:
Aitziber Agirre
Guillermo Roa
Argitalpen Zerbitzua /
Editorial Service:
Elisabete Alberdi (Bilbo)
Leire Lekuona (Leioa)
Kanpo Aholkularitza Batzordea /
External Advisory Board:
Iñaki Goirizelaia (Bilbo)
Ramon Flecha (Barcelona)
Idazkari Teknikoa /
Administrative support:
Malen Dominguez Zabala (Donostia)
Miren Estensoro
Miren Estensoro has a PhD in Economics from the University of the Basque Country. She is a Senior Researcher in the Basque Institute of Competitiveness (Orkestra) and lecturer in Deusto Business School since 2012. Her research focuses primarily on local and urban development, territorial governance and multi-level coordination of competitiveness policies. In addition, action research is at the core of her current research work. Currently she is leading several action-research projects together with different territorial actors, such as the City Councils of Bilbao, Donostia or Vitoria-Gasteiz. She has a professional background in local development, specifically in facilitating public-private and inter-firm collaboration through Basque county development agencies where her PhD thesis was focused.
Urtzi Etxeberria
Urtzi Etxeberria is permanent researcher at the CNRS and head of the Research Center IKER (UMR 5478) devoted to the study of the Basque language and Basque texts. He did his PhD in 2005 at the Linguistics program of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His research has mainly concentrated on studying the syntax-semantics and the semantics-pragmatics interfaces by combining theoretical linguistics and experimental methods. In recent years, he has extended his research area to comparing the linguistic development in different acquisition contexts, in particular bilingual acquisition and acquisition in pathological contexts, such as autism and developmental language disorders.
María Napal
María Napal graduated in Biology (Environmental and Agricultural Itinerary) at the University of Navarra in 2006 (with an extraordinary award), and received her PhD in Biology at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in July 2011, with a research focused on forest bat ecology. She has participated in several research projects on bat ecology and behavior evolution, and especially in the areas of forest bat ecology, modeling, and population genetics. Since 2014 she has been a professor at the Faculty of Human, Social and Education Sciences of the UPNA. Currently, its lines of action are related to the role of inquiry in the science classroom, the educational possibilities of local natural resources, gender issues in science education and the integration of digital resources and new technologies to improve the teaching of STEM subjects.
Arantza del Pozo
Arantza del Pozo is the director of Speech and Natural Language Technologies at Vicomtech, an applied research center specializing in the fields of artificial intelligence, visual computing and interaction. After graduating in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Deusto, she completed an MPhil in Computer, Speech, Text and Internet Technologies at the University of Cambridge where she also continued on to complete her PhD in voice conversion and speech repair. In 2008 she joined Vicomtech as a principal researcher, where she currently leads a team of 20 people specialized in the research, development and transfer of speech processing, text understanding and generation, machine translation and dialogue system technologies to industry.
Xabier Insausti
Xabier Insausti was born in Beasain, Basque Country. He received the degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of Navarra in 2009, the Sc.M. degree in advanced mathematics from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of Navarra in 2013. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at Tecnun, University of Navarra, San Sebastián. His research interests include matrix analysis applied to problems in statistical signal processing, distributed computation, quantum computation, telecommunications, and information theory.
Ugo Mayor
Ugo Mayor graduated in Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in 1998 and did his PhD in Biology at the University of Cambridge, focused on protein folding. He established his lab in 2009 at CIC bioGUNE and later joined UPV/EHU, his focus being on neuronal ubiquitination. As an Ikerbasque Research Professor he has developed tools for the proteomic characterization of ubiquitination pathways in vivo to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of neurological disorders related to the ubiquitin proteasome system. He was involved in the coordination of a scientific community effort to support the diagnostic capacities of the local health system during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Miren Berasategi
Miren Berasategi Zeberio graduated in Humanities: Communication (University of Deusto, 2004), and has a Master’s Degree in Information and Knowledge Society (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2008) and did her PhD in Communication (University of Deusto, 2020). She is currently a lecturer and researcher at the Donostia-San Sebastian campus of the University of Deusto, and her teaching activity is focused on the Degree in Communication. She participates in the Communication research team at the University of Deusto and her research topics include the representation of women in the media, the visual representation of COVID-19 data in the press, and anxiety towards mathematics and digital technologies.
Cristina Peña
Cristina Peña has a PhD in Materials Engineering from the University of the Basque Country and is a Tenured Lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Senior Researcher in the ‘Materials+Technologies’ research group (GMT) at the School of Faculty Engineering, Gipuzkoa (UPV/EHU). Her main interest is the development of polymeric new materials based on partially or totally renewable/recycled sources and the development and optimization of recycling processes. From 2020 is the Director of the Circular Economy University-Company Classroom (University of the Basque Country – Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa) facilitating the training of students in this area and promoting research projects for more efficient recycling processes and industrial symbiosis to reduce the environmental impact of polymers.